SP8 SoundPlane
The Pure Resonance Audio SP8 SoundPlane 8" lay-in ceiling tile speaker quickly and easily drops…SD5 SuperDispersion Ceiling Speaker Array
One Speaker, Maximize Coverage, Minimize Cost. Pure Resonance Audio SD5 SuperDispersion Omnidirectional Drop Tile Ceiling…C3 3″ Micro Pendant Speaker
C3 3" Micro Ceiling Speaker with Pendant Cover Kit, Speaker Wire, and Integrated Safety Cable…TL 200D
Public address amplifier designed and developped for fixed installations. There are 2 versions available with…TL 120D
Public address amplifier designed and developped for fixed installations. There are 2 versions available with…TL 4Z800
Public address amplifier with a power up to 800W. The PA4Z800 features 4 independent audio…